Aligning with the Autumn Equinox: Balancing Light and Dark through Celtic Wisdom and Yoga Nidra

ThThe Autumn Equinox offers us a powerful moment of balance, inviting us to pause and reflect on the energies at play. The Equinox occurs on Sunday 22nd September this year. This is the final of the 8 festivals celebrated during the Celtic calendar. We are now halfway between Summer and Winter Solstice. Marking these seasonal rituals can help us align with the rhythms of nature and work with the polarities of darkness and light within ourselves and within our worlds.

The Celtic Wheel and Seasonal Alignment
Travelling through the Celtic Wheel helps us remember the wisdom of our ancestors who lived in greater alignment with the seasonal changes of their environment. We believe that by consciously tuning into this wisdom we can develop a more harmonious relationship with ourselves, our communities and the planet we live on.

Connecting to the Energies of the Equinox
We invite you to close your eyes wherever you are in this moment and see if you can connect to the energies of the Equinox within you. The Equinox marks a moment for pause, the waning masculine energy of the sun makes way for the rising feminine energy of the moon. As these two energies come into balance in the outer world we have an opportunity to reflect on how we relate to each of these energies within our own selves. As you meet yourself at this turning of the wheel, perhaps you can ask yourself what has come full circle in your life and what do you need to consciously let go of as you prepare for the next turning of the wheel?  

The Importance of Letting Go
The leaves on the trees remind us that releasing and letting go is part of the cycle of life. As you release, can you remain open to the void that is left in its wake, listening for what wants to be created from this void? What can you release with gratitude? What lessons are you gathering and how are you transforming them into wisdom to carry you through this next season? Resourcing ourselves during times of transition is really important. What will you be adding to your own personal resource kit to support you through the next cycle?

Yoga Nidra: A Practice of Deep Rest and Embodied Presence
We would love you to experience the feeling of well-being that comes from deep rest. We want women to thrive so we can lead from a place of fullness in our homes, our communities and our workplaces. Yoga Nidra is an opportunity to reconnect with our body. It helps us be in embodied presence, to fully witness ourselves and our surroundings and circumstances. From this place we cultivate a deeper presence with ourselves and a deeper practice of staying related with others.

Author and Yoga Nidra expert Kamini Desai writes about how are bodies are designed for balance. Our heart, our muscles are designed to contract and relax. If we don’t take time to rest we pull from our reserves and dip into our energy reserves. Yoga Nidra helps the body to let go, regenerate and restore our energy currency to its natural baseline. Yoga Nidra helps us create space and tune into your inner voice and your inner wisdom.

Join Us for Seasonal Yoga Nidra
Our seasonal Yoga Nidra for Autumn Equinox is available to purchase here.