Reiki is a gentle and powerful energy healing system that helps restore balance and harmony to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Reiki activates a healing process by moving the body out of fight and flight and into rest and digest or the parasympathetic nervous system. A Reiki session can help you feel grounded, clear your mind and support you become more present in your World. Reiki is a type of energy healing that was rediscovered by Dr. Usui in Japan in the late 19th century and the term translates as Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki energy has no limits of time and space and can be sent to anyone at any time or place. The Hermetic Law of Similarity holds that we are all connected, a part of a larger whole energy system, as we are all made of energy. We all have access to this universal energy and the Reiki practitioner is trained to tap into this energy system and to share it with others. It is the perfect combination with the deep rest you receive from Yoga Nidra as when you are relaxed you are more open to receiving the healing. People often report experiencing emotions or sensations such as tingling or changes in temperature during a distance Reiki session. From our own experience we find that Reiki provides an opportunity for sacred self-connection and soul nourishment.